PAGE ,132 ; Name: PARSERA.ASM ; Author: Chuck Ebbert CompuServe [76306,1226] ; internet: ; Fast floating-point routines for Fractint. ; (c) Copyright 1992-1998 Chuck Ebbert. All rights reserved. ; This program is an assembler version of the C 'execution engine' part ; of Mark Peterson's FRACTINT Formula Parser. Many of the operator ; functions were copied from Mark's code in the files FPU087.ASM ; and FPU387.ASM. The basic operator functions are assembler versions ; of the code in PARSER.C. Many 'combined' operator functions were ; added to the program as well. ; As of 31 Decmember 1993 this is also an in-memory compiler. The code ; generator is in PARSERFP.C. Define the variable COMPILER to ; build the compiler, otherwise the interpreter will be built. ; COMPILER must also be #defined in PARSERFP.C to build compiler. ; 5 Dec 1999 bug fix: removed loop unroll because the modified return ; address was skipping over functions that needed to execute. ; 1 Dec 1998 speed improvements: ; Functions Clr2, LT2, LodLT2, LTE2, LodLTE2, GT2, LodGT2, ; LodGTE2, AndClr2, OrClr2, LodLTEAnd2 were modified to alter ; their return address on the stack, forcing an exit from ; the evaluation loop. This allows the code to run ; faster because it doesn't have to test for loop end. ; The loop was also unrolled one time for further gains. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This code may be freely distributed and used in non-commercial ; programs provided the author is credited either during program ; execution or in the documentation, and this copyright notice ; is left intact. Sale of this code, or its use in any commercial ; product requires permission from the author. Nominal distribution ; and handling fees may be charged by shareware and freeware ; distributors. ; Date Init Change description ; ; 5 Dec 1999 JCO Removed loop unroll ; 1 Dec 1998 CAE Speed improvements ; 5 Apr 1998 JCO Added LoadRealPwr (0,0) domain check ; 6 Mar 1997 TIW Added if/else support ; 7 Aug 1996 TIW Added scrnpix constant ; 4 Aug 1996 TIW Added whitesq variable support ; 30 Jun 1996 TIW Added floor, ceil, trunc, and round functions ; 7 Mar 1995 TIW Added PWR (0,0) domain check ; 21 Feb 1995 TIW Shortened ATanh/ATan for MASM 6 compatibility ; 21 Feb 1995 CAE Changes ATan and ATanh ; 15 Feb 1995 CAE Added safety tests to macros. ; Changed fStkASin, etc. to work with compiler. ; Added fwait to Sto2 function for safety. ; 8 Feb 1995 CAE Removed transparent3d code. ; Added inversion support (compiler untested.) ; 8 Jan 1995 JCO Added fStkASin, fStkASinh, fStkACos, fStkACosh, ; fStkATan, fStkATanh, fStkSqrt, fStkCAbs. ; 31 Dec 1994 JCO Made changes to keep code in line with C code. ; Not necessary, since code isn't called. Will ; make it easier to make it run later. Added ; old <- z to end of fform_per_pixel to match ; C code. ; 30 Dec 1993 CAE Compiler is working ; Changed EXIT_OPER -> ret in 3 operator fns ; Added safety test for fn size in macros ; 12 Dec 1993 CAE Compiler additions ; 4 Dec 1993 CAE SinhCosh function accuracy improved ; Added LoadImagAdd/Sub/Mul ; 19 Nov 1993 CAE Revised macros for compiler mode. ; 10 Nov 1993 CAE Changed Exp function for more accuracy. ; 06 Nov 93 CAE Added 'LodRealPwr', 'One', 'ORClr2', 'Sqr3'. ; Revised Pwr function to use regs vs. memory. ; Changed many functions to 'included' type. ; 31 Oct 93 CAE Added 'Dbl' function. ; 09 Oct 1993 CAE Changed SinhCosh to use wider range of 387. ; Most FNINITs changed to FINIT. ; Loop logic revised slightly. ; Separated code from parserfp.c's codeseg. ; Added fStkStoClr2, fStkZero and fStkIdent. ; New 'pseudo calctype' fn. fFormulaX added. ; 12 Jul 1993 CAE Moved BadFormula to PARSER.C. .386 ; this only works on a 386 .387 ; with a 387 ifdef ??version masm51 quirks endif ARGSZ equ 16 ; size of complex arg ;;;ARGSZ equ 32 ; size of hypercomplex arg CPFX equ 4 ; size of constarg prefix CARG equ CPFX+ARGSZ ; size of constarg LASTSQR equ CARG*4+CPFX ; offset of lastsqr from start of v WHITESQ equ CARG*9+CPFX ; offset of whitesq from start of v SCRNPIX equ CARG*10+CPFX ; offset of scrnpix from start of v JCSZ equ 10 ; size of jump_control structure ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRAME MACRO regs ; build a stack frame push bp mov bp, sp IRP reg, push reg ENDM ENDM UNFRAME MACRO regs ; unframe before return IRP reg, pop reg ENDM pop bp ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pop a number of scalars from the FPU stack. ; Generate as many 'fcompp' instr.'s as possible. ; Then a 'fstp st(0)' if needed. POP_STK MACRO StkPop NumToPop = StkPop SHR 1 REPT NumToPop fcompp ENDM NumToPop = StkPop - ( NumToPop SHL 1 ) REPT NumToPop fstp st(0) ENDM ENDM ; Uncomment the following line to enable compiler code generation. ;COMPILER EQU 1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Generate beginning code for operator fn. BEGN_OPER MACRO OperName ifndef COMPILER ;; only align when no compiler align 4 endif ;; always generate public and begin of proc (before fixups) public _fStk&OperName _fStk&OperName proc near ifdef COMPILER ;; generate the fixups for compiler ;; size of fn. | 8000h to mark it as an OPER instead of an INCL CAE 27Dec93 dw Size_&OperName OR 8000h ;; near pointer to the start of actual code CAE 19Dec93 dw offset PARSERA_TEXT:Code_&OperName ;; addr of fn to include (undefined if Incl_&OperName==255 below) dw IAddr_&OperName ;; offset of x fixup or 255 if none db XFixup_&OperName ;; offset of y fixup or 255 if none db YFixup_&OperName ;; offset of included(called) fn or 255 if none db Incl_&OperName endif ;; added label for code begin point CAE 25Nov93 Code_&OperName: ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- END_OPER MACRO OperName ; Generate end of operator fn. code. ifndef COMPILER ;; gen a return instr. ret else ;; gen a jump label End_&OperName: ;; generate zero for fixups not generated during fn. ifndef Incl_&OperName ;; No included operator. Generate 255 offset, 0 address. CAE 19Nov93 Incl_&OperName EQU 255 IAddr_&OperName EQU 0 endif ifndef XFixup_&OperName XFixup_&OperName EQU 255 endif ifndef YFixup_&OperName YFixup_&OperName EQU 255 endif endif ;; Always gen size of fn (subtract size of header here) Size_&OperName EQU $ - Code_&OperName ;; Make sure fn is of legal size CAE 30DEC93 .errnz (Size_&OperName GT 127) ;; and end of procedure. _fStk&OperName endp ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL MACRO OperName ;; Generate beginning code for 'included' operator fn. ;; No fixups allowed in one of these functions. ;; Safety test: generate an equate here so the INCL_OPER CAE 15Feb95 ;; macro can test to see if this really is includable. Is_Incl_&OperName EQU 1 ;; Don't bother with align in compiler mode. ifndef COMPILER align 4 endif ;; Generate public (incl fns. can be called directly) and begin of proc. public _fStk&OperName _fStk&OperName proc near ifdef COMPILER ;; Size of included fn. changed to word CAE 27Dec93 dw Size_&OperName endif ;; added label for code begin point CAE 25Nov93 Code_&OperName: ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Generate end of 'included' operator fn. code. END_INCL MACRO OperName ifndef COMPILER ;; generate return ret else ;; generate label for jump to end of fn. End_&OperName: endif ;; always generate actual size of fn. (subtract hdr. size) Size_&OperName EQU $ - Code_&OperName ;; Make sure fn is of legal size CAE 30DEC93 .errnz (Size_&OperName GT 127) ;; always generate end-of-proc _fStk&OperName endp ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 'Include' a function inside another one INCL_OPER MACRO CallingOper,OperToIncl ;; Make sure the included fn was defined with the BEGN_INCL macro. ifndef Is_Incl_&OperToIncl ; CAE 15Feb95 .error "Included function was not defined with BEGN_INCL macro" endif ;; Gen equate for offset of include in outer fn. ;; Always generate this to prevent >1 include even when not CAE 15FEB95 ;; building the compiler. Incl_&CallingOper EQU $ - Code_&CallingOper ifdef COMPILER ;; Address of included fn. IAddr_&CallingOper EQU _fStk&OperToIncl ;; Gen 1 1-byte placeholder for the included fn to make codegen easier db 0ffH else ;; Generate a call to the included fn. call _fStk&OperToIncl endif ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Exit early from an operator function. EXIT_OPER MACRO FnToExit ifdef COMPILER ;; jump to end of operator fn jmp short End_&FnToExit else ;; return to caller ret endif ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Generate an FPU instruction and a fixup. ; AddrToFix is = X or Y FIXUP MACRO OperName, InstrToFix, Addr ifdef COMPILER ;; Generate a fixup as an offset from start of fn. ;; Fixup is two bytes into the instruction, thus the '+ 2'. ;; This may not be true for all instructions. ifidni , XFixup_&OperName EQU $ - Code_&OperName + 2 else ;; assume fixup is for y YFixup_&OperName EQU $ - Code_&OperName + 2 endif ;; Generate a load, store or whatever of any convenient value using DS. &InstrToFix QWORD PTR ds:_fLastOp else ifidni , ;; Gen load of X using SI. &InstrToFix QWORD PTR [si] else ;; Assume fixup is for y, use SI+8. &InstrToFix QWORD PTR [si+8] endif endif ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Align 4 if no compiler. PARSALIGN macro AlignFn ifndef COMPILER align 4 endif ENDM ; CAE added macros for common operations Feb 1995 GEN_SQR0 macro ;; square the stack top, don't save magnitude in lastsqr CAE 15FEB95 fld st(0) ; x x y fld st(0) ; x x x y fmul st,st(3) ; xy x x y fadd st,st ; 2xy x x y fxch st(3) ; y x x 2xy fadd st(2),st ; y x x+y 2xy fsubp st(1),st ; x-y x+y 2xy fmulp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy ENDM GEN_SQRT macro ; CAE 15Feb95 ; can use a max of 2 regs fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y fpatan ; atan x y fdiv __2_ ; theta=atan/2 x y fsincos ; cos sin x y fxch st(3) ; y sin x cos fmul st,st(0) ; yy sin x cos fxch st(2) ; x sin yy cos fmul st,st(0) ; xx sin yy cos faddp st(2),st ; sin xx+yy cos fxch st(2) ; cos xx+yy sin fxch ; xx+yy cos sin fsqrt ; sqrt(xx+yy) cos sin fsqrt ; mag=sqrt(sqrt(xx+yy)) cos sin fmul st(2),st ; mag cos mag*sin fmulp st(1),st ; mag*cos mag*sin ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 added macro ALTER_RET_ADDR macro ;;; mov WORD PTR [sp],offset past_loop pop bx push offset past_loop ENDM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; external functions extrn _invertz2:far ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _DATA segment word public use16 'DATA' extrn _invert:WORD extrn _maxit:DWORD extrn _inside:WORD extrn _outside:WORD extrn _coloriter:DWORD extrn _kbdcount:WORD ; keyboard counter extrn _dotmode:WORD extrn __1_:QWORD, _PointFive:QWORD, __2_:QWORD, _infinity:QWORD extrn _LastOp:WORD, _LastInitOp:WORD extrn _InitOpPtr:WORD, _InitStoPtr:WORD, _InitLodPtr:WORD extrn _s:WORD extrn _dy1:DWORD, _dx1:DWORD, _dy0:DWORD, _dx0:DWORD extrn _new:WORD, _old:WORD extrn _overflow:WORD extrn _save_release:WORD extrn _col:WORD, _row:WORD extrn _Arg1:WORD, _Arg2:WORD extrn _pfls:DWORD, _v:DWORD extrn _ldcheck:WORD extrn _jump_index:WORD, _InitJumpIndex:WORD extrn _jump_control:DWORD extrn _delxx:TBYTE extrn _delxx2:TBYTE extrn _delyy:TBYTE extrn _delyy2:TBYTE extrn _xxmin:QWORD extrn _yymax:QWORD extrn _use_grid:WORD _DATA ends ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _BSS segment word public use16 'BSS' _fLastOp label DWORD ; save seg, offset of lastop here dd ? _PtrToZ label WORD ; offset of z dw ? _BSS ends DGROUP group _DATA,_BSS ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Operator Functions follow. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NOTE: None of these operator functions may change any registers but ; ax and si. The exceptions are those functions that update ; the current values of the 'status' regs as needed. ; On entry to these functions: ; FPU stack is used as the evaluation stack. ; The FPU stack can overflow into memory. Accuracy is not lost but ; calculations are slower. ; es -> DGROUP ; ds -> parser data ; cx -> lastop ; edx == orbit counter (in fFormulaX) ; di -> stack overflow area, used by push and pull functions and as ; a temporary storage area ; bx -> current operator, operand pair ; [bx] = operator function address, i.e. addr. of current '_fStkXXX' ; [bx+2] = operand pointer or zero if no operand ; si = operand pointer (loaded from [bx+2] before call of operator fn.) ; New rules Feb 1993: ; 1. No EXIT_OPER before an INCL_OPER ; (no jumps can be made past an included function.) ; 2. No included fn may include another, or have any fixups. ; 3. Only one included fn. allowed per 'normal' fn. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Put this code in PARSERA_TEXT, not PARSERFP_TEXT CAE 09OCT93 PARSERA_TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE' ; Non-standard segment register setup. assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing, cs:PARSERA_TEXT ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Included functions must be before any fns that include them. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Log ; Log ; From FPU387.ASM ; Log is called by Pwr and is also called directly. ftst fstsw ax sahf jnz short NotBothZero fxch ; y x ftst fstsw ax sahf fxch ; x y jnz short NotBothZero POP_STK 2 ; clear two numbers fldz fldz mov ax, 1 ; domain error (1 in ax) EXIT_OPER Log ; return (0,0) PARSALIGN NotBothZero: xor ax,ax ; no domain error (0 in ax) fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y fpatan ; z.y x y fxch st(2) ; y x z.y fmul st,st(0) ; yy x z.y fxch ; x yy z.y fmul st,st(0) ; xx yy z.y fadd ; mod z.y fldln2 ; ln2, mod, z.y fmul _PointFive ; ln2/2, mod, z.y fxch ; mod, ln2/2, z.y fyl2x ; z.x, z.y END_INCL Log ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL SinhCosh ; Included fn, Sinh, Cosh of st ; From FPU087.ASM with mods to use less registers & for 387. ; Mod for 387-only after Fractint v18. CAE 09OCT93 ; NOTE: Full 80-bit accuracy is *NOT* maintained in this function! ; Only 1 additional register can be used here. ; Changed fn so that rounding errors are less. CAE 04DEC93 fstcw _Arg2 ; use arg2 to hold CW fwait fldln2 ; ln(2) x fdivp st(1),st ; x/ln(2), start the fdivr instr. mov ax,_Arg2 ; Now do some integer instr.'s push ax ; Save control word on stack or ax,0000110000000000b mov _Arg2,ax fld st ; x/ln(2), x/ln(2) fldcw _Arg2 ; Now set control to round toward zero ; Chop toward zero rounding applies now CAE 4DEC93 frndint ; int = integer(x/ln(2)), x/ln(2) pop ax ; restore old CW to AX mov _Arg2,ax ; ...then move it to Arg2 fldcw _Arg2 ; Restore control word from Arg2 ; Normal rounding is in effect again CAE 4DEC93 fxch ; x/ln(2), int fsub st,st(1) ; -1 < rem < 1.0, int f2xm1 ; 2**rem-1, int fadd __1_ ; 2**rem, int fscale ; e**x, int fstp st(1) ; e**x fld st ; e**x, e**x fmul _PointFive ; e^x/2 e^x fstp QWORD PTR es:[di] ; e^x use overflow stk for temp here fdivr _PointFive ; e**-x/2 fld st ; e**-x/2, e**-x/2 fadd QWORD PTR es:[di] ; coshx, e**-x/2 fxch ; e^-x/2, coshx fsubr QWORD PTR es:[di] ; sinhx, coshx (fsubr pending) END_INCL SinhCosh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Ident ; Ident CAE 09OCT93 END_INCL Ident ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Sqr3 ; Sqr3 CAE 06NOV93 fmul st,st(0) ; Magnitude/sqr of a real# on st END_INCL Sqr3 ; x^2 0 ... ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Conj ; Complex conjugate fxch ; y x ... fchs ; -y x ... fxch ; x -y ... END_INCL Conj ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Conj2 ; Complex conjugate (uses a reg) fldz ; 0 x y ... CAE 20Nov93 fsubrp st(2),st ; x -y ... END_INCL Conj2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Real ; Real fstp st(1) ; x ... fldz ; 0 x ... fxch ; x 0 ... END_INCL Real ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL RealFlip ; Real, flip combined. fstp st(1) ; y=x ... fldz ; x=0 y ... END_INCL RealFlip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Add ; Add faddp st(2),st ; Arg2->d.x += Arg1->d.x; faddp st(2),st ; Arg2->d.y += Arg1->d.y; END_INCL Add ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Sub ; Subtract fsubp st(2),st ; Arg2->d.x -= Arg1->d.x; fsubp st(2),st ; Arg2->d.y -= Arg1->d.y; END_INCL Sub ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealAdd ; Load, Real, Add combined FIXUP LodRealAdd, fadd, X ; Add x-value from memory END_OPER LodRealAdd ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealSub ; Load, Real, Subtract combined FIXUP LodRealSub, fsub, X ; (fsub qword ptr X) END_OPER LodRealSub ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImagAdd ; Load, Imag, Add combined CAE 4DEC93 FIXUP LodImagAdd, fadd, Y ; Add x-value from memory END_OPER LodImagAdd ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImagSub ; Load, Imag, Sub combined CAE 4DEC93 FIXUP LodImagSub, fsub, Y ; (fsub qword ptr X) END_OPER LodImagSub ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Real2 ; Real value (fast version) fldz ; 0 x y ... (uses a reg) fstp st(2) ; x 0 ... END_INCL Real2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Lod ; Load FIXUP Lod, fld, Y ; y ... FIXUP Lod, fld, X ; x y ... END_OPER Lod ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Clr1 ; Clear stack finit ; changed from fninit CAE 09OCT93 END_INCL Clr1 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Imag ; Imaginary value POP_STK 1 ; y fldz ; 0 y fxch ; x=y 0 END_INCL Imag ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL ImagFlip ; Imaginary value, flip combined POP_STK 1 ; y ... fldz ; x=0 y ... END_INCL ImagFlip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Abs ; Absolute value fxch fabs fxch fabs END_INCL Abs ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealMul ; Load, Real, Multiply FIXUP LodRealMul, fld, X ; y.x x.x x.y fmul st(2),st ; y.x x.x z.y fmul ; z.x z.y END_OPER LodRealMul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImagMul ; Load, Imag, Multiply CAE 4DEC93 FIXUP LodImagMul, fld, Y ; y.y x.x x.y fmul st(2),st ; y.y x.x z.y fmul ; z.x z.y END_OPER LodImagMul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Neg ; Negative fxch fchs ; Arg1->d.y = -Arg1->d.y; fxch fchs END_INCL Neg ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER EndInit ; End of initialization expr. ifndef COMPILER ; this instr not needed CAE 30DEC93 mov _LastInitOp,bx ; LastInitOp=OpPtr endif mov ax, _jump_index ; InitJumpIndex=jump_index TIW 06Mar97 mov _InitJumpIndex,ax finit ; changed from fninit CAE 09OCT93 END_OPER EndInit ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoClr1 ; Store, clear FPU FIXUP StoClr1, fstp, X ; y ... FIXUP StoClr1, fst, Y ; y ... finit ; use finit, not fninit END_OPER StoClr1 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoClr2 ; Store, clear FPU CAE 09OCT93 FIXUP StoClr2, fstp, X ; y FIXUP StoClr2, fstp, Y ; (store pending) END_OPER StoClr2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Sto ; Store, leave on ST ; Revised to do store first, then exchange. CAE 10NOV93 FIXUP Sto, fst, X fxch ; y x ... FIXUP Sto, fst, Y fxch ; x y ... END_OPER Sto ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Sto2 ; Store, leave on ST (uses a reg) fld st(1) ; y x y FIXUP Sto2, fstp, Y ; x y FIXUP Sto2, fst, X fwait ; CAE added fwait for safety 15Feb95 END_OPER Sto2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodReal ; Load a real fldz ; 0 ... FIXUP LodReal, fld, X ; x 0 ... END_OPER LodReal ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealC ; Load real const fldz ; y=0 ... FIXUP LodRealC, fld, X ; x 0 ... END_OPER LodRealC ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealFlip ; Load real, flip FIXUP LodRealFlip, fld, X ; y=x ... fldz ; x=0 y ... END_OPER LodRealFlip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealAbs ; Load real, abs fldz ; 0 ... FIXUP LodRealAbs, fld, X ; x 0 ... fabs ; x=abs(x) 0 ... END_OPER LodRealAbs ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Flip ; Exchange real, imag fxch ; x=y y=x ... END_INCL Flip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImag ; Load, imaginary fldz ; 0 ... FIXUP LodImag, fld, Y ; x=y 0 END_OPER LodImag ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImagFlip ; Load, imaginary, flip FIXUP LodImagFlip, fld, Y ; y ... fldz ; 0 y ... END_OPER LodImagFlip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodImagAbs ; Load, imaginary, absolute value fldz ; 0 ... FIXUP LodImagAbs, fld, Y ; x=y 0 ... fabs ; x=abs(y) 0 ... END_OPER LodImagAbs ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodConj ; Load, conjugate FIXUP LodConj, fld, Y ; y ... fchs ; y=-y ... FIXUP LodConj, fld, X ; x y ... END_OPER LodConj ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodAdd ; Load, Add (uses a reg) FIXUP LodAdd, fadd, X FIXUP LodAdd, fld, Y faddp st(2),st END_OPER LodAdd ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodSub ; Load, Subtract (uses a reg) FIXUP LodSub, fsub, X FIXUP LodSub, fld, Y fsubp st(2),st END_OPER LodSub ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoDup ; Store, duplicate top operand FIXUP StoDup, fst, X ; x y fld st(1) ; y x y FIXUP StoDup, fst, Y ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y END_OPER StoDup ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoDbl ; Store, double (uses a reg) FIXUP StoDbl, fst, X ; x y (store x) fadd st,st ; 2x y fld st(1) ; y 2x y FIXUP StoDbl, fst, Y ; y 2x y (store y) faddp st(2),st ; 2x 2y END_OPER StoDbl ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Zero ; Zero CAE 09OCT93 POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... fldz ; 0 0 ... END_INCL Zero ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL One ; One CAE 06NOV93 POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... fld1 ; 1 0 ... END_INCL One ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodSubMod ; Load, Subtract, Mod FIXUP LodSubMod, fsub, X ; x.x-y.x x.y ... fmul st,st ; sqr(x.x-y.x) x.y ... fldz ; 0 sqrx x.y ... fxch st(2) ; x.y sqrx 0 ... FIXUP LodSubMod, fsub, Y ; x.y-y.y sqrx 0 ... fmul st,st ; sqry sqrx 0 ... fadd ; mod 0 END_OPER LodSubMod ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Sqr ; Square, save magnitude in LastSqr fld st(0) ; x x y fmul st(1),st ; x x*x y fmul st,st(2) ; xy xx y mov si, WORD PTR _v ; si -> variables fadd st,st(0) ; 2xy xx y fxch st(2) ; y xx 2xy fmul st,st(0) ; yy xx 2xy fld st(1) ; xx yy xx 2xy fadd st,st(1) ; xx+yy yy xx 2xy fstp QWORD PTR [si+LASTSQR] ; yy xx 2xy fsubp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy END_INCL Sqr ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Sqr0 ; Square, don't save magnitude GEN_SQR0 END_INCL Sqr0 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Mul ; Multiply ; From FPU087.ASM fld st(1) ; y.y, y.x, y.y, x.x, x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.y*x.y, y.x. y.y, x.x, x.y fld st(1) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.x, y.y, x.x, x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.x*x.x,y.y*x.y,y.x y.y,x.x,x.y fsubr ; newx=y.x*x.x-y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fxch st(3) ; x.x, y.x, y.y, newx, x.y fmulp st(2),st ; y.x, y.y*x.x, newx, x.y fmulp st(3),st ; y.y*x.x, newx, y.x*x.y faddp st(2),st ; newx newy = y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y END_INCL Mul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodMul ; Load, Multiply ; This is just load followed by multiply but it saves a fn. call ; and also allows optimizer enhancements. FIXUP LodMul, fld, Y ; y.y x.x x.y FIXUP LodMul, fld, X ; y.x y.y x.x x.y fld st(1) ; y.y, y.x, y.y, x.x, x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.y*x.y, y.x. y.y, x.x, x.y fld st(1) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.x, y.y, x.x, x.y fmul st, st(4) ; y.x*x.x, y.y*x.y, y.x, y.y, x.x, x.y fsubr ; newx=y.x*x.x-y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fxch st(3) ; x.x, y.x, y.y, newx, x.y fmulp st(2), st ; y.x, y.y*x.x, newx, x.y fmulp st(3), st ; y.y*x.x, newx, y.x*x.y faddp st(2), st ; newx newy = y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y END_OPER LodMul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Div ; Divide ; From FPU087.ASM with speedups fld st(1) ; y.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fmul st,st ; y.y*y.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fld st(1) ; y.x,y.y*y.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fmul st,st ; y.x*y.x,y.y*y.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fadd ; mod,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y ftst fstsw ax sahf jz short DivNotOk ; can't do this divide until now fdiv st(1),st ; mod,y.x=y.x/mod,y.y,x.x,x.y fdivp st(2),st ; y.x,y.y=y.y/mod,x.x,x.y fld st(1) ; y.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fld st(1) ; y.x,y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.x*x.x,y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fadd ; y.x*x.x+y.y*x.y,y.x,y.y,x.x,x.y fxch st(3) ; x.x,y.x,y.y,newx,x.y fmulp st(2),st ; y.x,y.y*x.x,newx,x.y fmulp st(3),st ; x.x*y.y,newx,y.x*x.y fsubp st(2),st ; newx,newy EXIT_OPER Div DivNotOk: POP_STK 5 ; clear 5 from stack (!) fld _infinity ; return a very large number fld st(0) mov ax,_save_release cmp ax,1920 jle oldwayD mov _overflow, 1 oldwayD: END_INCL Div ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Recip ; Reciprocal ; From FPU087.ASM fld st(1) ; y, x, y fmul st,st ; y*y, x, y fld st(1) ; x, y*y, x, y fmul st,st ; x*x, y*y, x, y fadd ; mod, x, y ftst fstsw ax sahf jz short RecipNotOk fdiv st(1),st ; mod, newx=x/mod, y fchs ; -mod newx y fdivp st(2),st ; newx, newy=y/-mod EXIT_OPER Recip RecipNotOk: POP_STK 3 ; clear three from stack fld _infinity ; return a very large number fld st(0) mov ax,_save_release cmp ax,1920 jle oldwayR mov _overflow, 1 oldwayR: END_INCL Recip ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoSqr ; Sto, Square, save magnitude fld st(0) ; x x y FIXUP StoSqr, fst, X ; " (store x) fmul st(1),st ; x x*x y fmul st,st(2) ; xy xx y fadd st,st(0) ; 2xy xx y fxch st(2) ; y xx 2xy FIXUP StoSqr, fst, Y ; " (store y) fmul st,st(0) ; yy xx 2xy ; It is now safe to overlay si here mov si, WORD PTR _v ; si -> variables fld st(1) ; xx yy xx 2xy fadd st,st(1) ; xx+yy yy xx 2xy fstp QWORD PTR [si+LASTSQR] ; yy xx 2xy fsubp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy END_OPER StoSqr ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoSqr0 ; Sto, Square, don't save magnitude fld st(0) ; x x y FIXUP StoSqr0, fst, X ; store x fld st(0) ; x x x y fmul st,st(3) ; xy x x y fadd st,st ; 2xy x x y fxch st(3) ; y x x 2xy FIXUP StoSqr0, fst, Y ; store y fadd st(2),st ; y x x+y 2xy fsubp st(1),st ; x-y x+y 2xy fmulp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy END_OPER StoSqr0 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Mod2 ; Modulus (uses a reg) fmul st,st ; xx y fldz ; 0 xx y fxch st(2) ; y xx 0 fmul st,st ; yy xx 0 fadd ; mod 0 END_INCL Mod2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodMod2 ; Load, Modulus (uses a reg) fldz ; 0 ... FIXUP LodMod2, fld, X ; x 0 ... fmul st,st ; xx 0 FIXUP LodMod2, fld, Y ; y xx 0 fmul st,st ; yy xx 0 fadd ; mod 0 END_OPER LodMod2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER StoMod2 ; Store, Modulus (uses a reg) FIXUP StoMod2, fst, X ; x y fmul st,st ; xx y fldz ; 0 xx y fxch st(2) ; y xx 0 FIXUP StoMod2, fst, Y ; y xx 0 fmul st,st ; yy xx 0 fadd ; mod 0 END_OPER StoMod2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Clr2 ; Test ST, clear FPU ftst fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit ; fstsw will complete first and ah,01000000b ; return 1 if zf=1 shr ax,14 ; AX will be returned by fFormula() END_OPER Clr2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER PLodAdd ; Load, Add (uses no regs) fxch ; y x FIXUP PLodAdd, fadd, Y ; add y from memory fxch ; x y FIXUP PLodAdd, fadd, X ; add x, overlap execution END_OPER PLodAdd ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER PLodSub ; Load, Subtract (uses no regs) fxch FIXUP PLodSub, fsub, Y ; sub y from memory fxch ; x y FIXUP PLodSub, fsub, X ; sub x, overlap execution END_OPER PLodSub ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodDup ; Load, duplicate FIXUP LodDup, fld, Y ; y ... FIXUP LodDup, fld, X ; x y ... fld st(1) ; y x y ... fld st(1) ; x y x y ... END_OPER LodDup ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodSqr ; Load, square (no save lastsqr) FIXUP LodSqr, fld, Y ; y ... fld st(0) ; y y ... fadd st(1),st ; y 2y ... fld st(0) ; y y 2y FIXUP LodSqr, fld, X ; x y y 2y ... fmul st(3),st ; x y y 2xy ... fadd st(2),st ; x y X+y 2xy ... fsubrp st(1),st ; x-y x+y 2xy ... fmul ; xx-yy 2xy ... END_OPER LodSqr ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodSqr2 ; Load, square (save lastsqr) FIXUP LodSqr2, fld, Y ; y ... fld st(0) ; y y ... fadd st(1),st ; y 2y ... fmul st,st(0) ; yy 2y ... FIXUP LodSqr2, fld, X ; x yy 2y ... fmul st(2),st ; x yy 2xy ... mov si,WORD PTR _v ; put address of v in si fmul st,st(0) ; xx yy 2xy ... fld st(0) ; xx xx yy 2xy fadd st,st(2) ; mod xx yy 2xy fstp QWORD PTR [si+LASTSQR] ; xx yy 2xy ... (save lastsqr) fsubrp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy ... END_OPER LodSqr2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodDbl ; Load, double FIXUP LodDbl, fld, Y ; load y fadd st,st(0) ; double it FIXUP LodDbl, fld, X ; same for x fadd st,st(0) END_OPER LodDbl ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Dbl ; Double CAE 31OCT93 fxch ; y x ... fadd st,st(0) ; 2y x ... fxch ; x 2y ... fadd st,st(0) ; 2x 2y ... END_INCL Dbl ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Mod ; Modulus (uses no regs) fmul st,st ; x*x y fxch ; y x*x fmul st,st ; y*y x*x fadd ; mod fldz ; 0 mod fxch ; mod 0 END_INCL Mod ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following code was 'discovered' by experimentation. The Intel manuals ; really don't help much in writing this kind of code. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Push2 ; Push stack down from 8 to 6 fdecstp ; roll the stack fdecstp ; ... fstp tbyte PTR es:[di] ; store x on overflow stack fstp tbyte PTR es:[di+10] ; and y (ten bytes each) add di,20 ; adjust di END_INCL Push2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Pull2 ; Pull stack up from 2 to 4 fld tbyte PTR es:[di-10] ; oldy x y sub di,20 ; adjust di now fxch st(2) ; y x oldy fld tbyte PTR es:[di] ; oldx y x oldy fxch st(2) ; x y oldx oldy END_INCL Pull2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Push4 ; Push stack down from 8 to 4 fdecstp ; roll the stack four times fdecstp fdecstp fdecstp fstp tbyte PTR es:[di+20] ; save the bottom four numbers fstp tbyte PTR es:[di+30] ; save full precision on overflow fstp tbyte PTR es:[di] fstp tbyte PTR es:[di+10] add di,40 ; adjust di END_INCL Push4 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Push2a ; Push stack down from 6 to 4 fdecstp ; roll the stack 4 times fdecstp fdecstp fdecstp fstp tbyte PTR es:[di] ; save only two numbers fstp tbyte PTR es:[di+10] add di, 20 fincstp ; roll back 2 times fincstp END_INCL Push2a ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of stack overflow/underflow code. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Exp ; Exponent ; From FPU387.ASM with mods to use less registers. ; Modified to preserve 80-bit accuracy. CAE 10NOV93 fldln2 ; ln2 x y fdivp st(1),st ; x/ln2 y fstp TBYTE PTR es:[di] ; y fsincos ; cosy, siny fld1 ; 1 cos sin fld TBYTE PTR es:[di] ; x/ln2 1 cos sin fprem ; prem, 1, cos, sin f2xm1 ; e**prem-1, 1, cos, sin fadd ; e**prem, cos, sin fld TBYTE PTR es:[di] ; x.x/ln2, e**prem, cos, sin fxch ; e**prem, x.x/ln2, cos, sin fscale ; e**x.x, x.x/ln2, cos, sin fstp st(1) ; e**x.x, cos, sin fmul st(2),st ; e**x.x, cos, z.y fmul ; z.x, z.y END_INCL Exp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Pwr ; Power ; First exchange the top two complex numbers. fxch st(2) ; x.x y.y y.x x.y fxch ; y.y x.x y.x x.y fxch st(3) ; x.y x.x y.x y.y fxch ; x.x x.y y.x y.y ; Now take the log of the # on st. INCL_OPER Pwr, Log ; l.x l.y y.x y.y cmp ax,1 ; log domain error? jne short domainok ; nope test _ldcheck, 1 ; user wants old pwr? jnz short domainok ; yup POP_STK 4 ; clear stack completely fldz ; 0 fldz ; 0 0 EXIT_OPER Pwr ; return (0,0) PARSALIGN domainok: ; Inline multiply function from FPU087.ASM instead of include. fld st(1) ; y.y y.x y.y x.x x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.y*x.y y.x y.y x.x x.y fld st(1) ; y.x y.y*x.y y.x y.y x.x x.y fmul st,st(4) ; y.x*x.x y.y*x.y y.x y.y x.x x.y fsubr ; newx=y.x*x.x-y.y*x.y y.x y.y x.x x.y fxch st(3) ; x.x y.x y.y newx x.y fmulp st(2),st ; y.x y.y*x.x newx x.y fmulp st(3),st ; y.y*x.x newx y.x*x.y faddp st(2),st ; newx newy=y.x*x.y+x.x*y.y ; Exp function from FPU387.ASM. 4 regs are free here. ; Modified to use the regs instead of memory. CAE 06NOV93 fldln2 ; ln2 x y fdiv ; x/ln2 y fxch ; y x/ln2 fsincos ; cosy, siny, x/ln2 fxch ; sin, cos, x/ln2 fxch st(2) ; x/ln2, cos, sin fld1 ; 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fld st(1) ; x/ln2, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fprem ; prem, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin f2xm1 ; e**prem-1, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fadd ; e**prem, x/ln2, cos, sin fscale ; e**x.x, x.x/ln2, cos, sin fstp st(1) ; e**x.x, cos, sin fmul st(2),st ; e**x.x, cos, z.y fmul ; z.x, z.y END_OPER Pwr ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodRealPwr ; lod, real, power CAE 6NOV93 ; First take the log of the # on st. INCL_OPER LodRealPwr, Log ; l.x l.y cmp ax,1 ; log domain error? jne short domainok2 ; nope cmp _ldcheck, 1 ; user wants old lodrealpwr? je short domainok2 ; yup POP_STK 2 ; clear stack completely fldz ; 0 fldz ; 0 0 EXIT_OPER LodRealPwr ; return (0,0) PARSALIGN domainok2: ; Inline multiply by a real. FIXUP LodRealPwr, fld, X ; y.x, x.x, x.y fmul st(2),st ; y.x, x.x, z.y fmulp st(1),st ; z.x z.y ; Exp function from FPU387.ASM. 4 regs are free here, so use them. fldln2 ; ln2 x y fdiv ; x/ln2 y fxch ; y x/ln2 fsincos ; cosy, siny, x/ln2 fxch ; sin, cos, x/ln2 fxch st(2) ; x/ln2, cos, sin fld1 ; 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fld st(1) ; x/ln2, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fprem ; prem, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin f2xm1 ; e**prem-1, 1, x/ln2, cos, sin fadd ; e**prem, x/ln2, cos, sin fscale ; e**x.x, x.x/ln2, cos, sin fstp st(1) ; e**x.x, cos, sin fmul st(2),st ; e**x.x, cos, z.y fmul ; z.x, z.y END_OPER LodRealPwr ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Cosh ; Cosh INCL_OPER Cosh, SinhCosh ; sinhx coshx y fxch st(2) ; y coshx sinhx fsincos ; cosy siny coshx sinhx fmulp st(2),st ; siny x=cosy*coshx sinhx fmulp st(2),st ; x y=sinhx*siny END_OPER Cosh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Sinh ; Sinh INCL_OPER Sinh, SinhCosh ; sinhx coshx y fxch st(2) ; y coshx sinhx fsincos ; cosy siny coshx sinhx fmulp st(3),st ; siny coshx x=sinhx*cosy fmulp st(1),st ; y=coshx*siny x fxch ; x y END_OPER Sinh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Sin ; Sin fsincos ; cosx sinx y fxch st(2) ; y sinx cosx INCL_OPER Sin, SinhCosh ; sinhy coshy sinx cosx fmulp st(3),st ; coshy sinx y=cosx*sinhy fmulp st(1),st ; x=sinx*coshy y END_OPER Sin ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Cos ; Cos fsincos ; cosx sinx y fxch st(2) ; y sinx cosx INCL_OPER Cos, SinhCosh ; sinhy coshy sinx cosx fchs ; -sinhy coshy sinx cosx fmulp st(2),st ; coshy y=-sinhy*sinx cosx fmulp st(2),st ; y x=cosx*coshy fxch ; x y END_OPER Cos ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER CosXX ; CosXX fsincos ; cosx sinx y fxch st(2) ; y sinx cosx INCL_OPER CosXX, SinhCosh ; sinhy coshy sinx cosx ; note missing fchs here fmulp st(2),st ; coshy y=sinhy*sinx cosx fmulp st(2),st ; y x=cosx*coshy fxch ; x y END_OPER CosXX ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Tan ; Tan fadd st,st ; 2x y fsincos ; cos2x sin2x y fxch st(2) ; y sin2x cos2x fadd st,st ; 2y sin2x cos2x INCL_OPER Tan, SinhCosh ; sinh2y cosh2y sin2x cos2x fxch ; cosh2y sinh2y sin2x cos2x faddp st(3),st ; sinhy sinx denom=cos2x+cosh2y fld st(2) ; denom sinh2y sin2x denom fdivp st(2),st ; sinh2y x=sin2x/denom denom fdivrp st(2),st ; x y=sinh2y/denom END_OPER Tan ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER CoTan ; CoTan fadd st,st ; 2x y fsincos ; cos2x sin2x y fxch st(2) ; y sin2x cos2x fadd st,st ; 2y sin2x cos2x INCL_OPER CoTan, SinhCosh ; sinh2y cosh2y sin2x cos2x fxch ; cosh2y sinh2y sin2x cos2x fsubrp st(3),st ; sinh2y sin2x denom=cosh2y-cos2x fld st(2) ; denom sinh2y sin2x denom fdivp st(2),st ; sinh2y x=sin2x/denom denom fchs ; -sinh2y x denom fdivrp st(2),st ; x y=-sinh2y/denom END_OPER CoTan ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Tanh ; Tanh fadd st,st ; 2x y INCL_OPER Tanh, SinhCosh ; sinh2x cosh2x y fxch st(2) ; y cosh2x sinh2x fadd st,st ; 2y cosh2x sinh2x fsincos ; cos2y sin2y cosh2x sinh2x faddp st(2),st ; sin2y denom=cos2y+cosh2x sinh2x fxch ; denom sin2y sinh2x fdiv st(1),st ; denom y=sin2y/denom sinh2x fdivp st(2),st ; y x=sinh2x/denom fxch ; x y END_OPER Tanh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER CoTanh ; CoTanh fadd st,st ; 2x y INCL_OPER CoTanh, SinhCosh ; sinh2x cosh2x y fxch st(2) ; y cosh2x sinh2x fadd st,st ; 2y cosh2x sinh2x fsincos ; cos2y sin2y cosh2x sinh2x fsubp st(2),st ; sin2y denom=cosh2x-cos2y sinh2x fchs ; -sin2y denom sinh2x fxch ; denom -sin2y sinh2x fdiv st(1),st ; denom y=-sin2y/denom sinh2x fdivp st(2),st ; y x=sinh2x/denom fxch ; x y END_OPER CoTanh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; JCO added Sqrt .. CAbs for version 19. ; CAE updated them 15Feb94 to work with compiler mode. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Sqrt ; Sqrt GEN_SQRT END_OPER Sqrt ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ASin ; ArcSin fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y GEN_SQR0 ; tz1.x tz1.y x y fxch st(1) ; tz1.y tz1.x x y fchs ; -tz1.y tz1.x x y fxch st(1) ; tz1.x -tz1.y x y fsubr __1_ ; 1-tz1.x -tz1.y x y GEN_SQRT ; tz1.x tz1.y x y fsubrp st(3),st ; tz1.y x tz1.x-y fadd ; tz1.y+x tz1.x-y fxch st(1) ; tz1.x-y tz1.y+x INCL_OPER ASin, Log ; l.x l.y fchs ; -l.x l.y fxch st(1) ; l.y -l.x ;; rz = (-i)*l END_OPER ASin ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ACos ; ArcCos fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y GEN_SQR0 ; tz1.x tz1.y x y fsub __1_ ; tz1.x-1 tz1.y x y GEN_SQRT ; tz.x tz.y x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.y tz.x+x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.x+x tz.y+y INCL_OPER ACos, Log ; l.x l.y fchs ; -l.x l.y fxch st(1) ; l.y -l.x ;; rz = (-i)*l END_OPER ACos ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ASinh ; ArcSinh fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y GEN_SQR0 ; tz1.x tz1.y x y fadd __1_ ; tz1.x+1 tz1.y x y GEN_SQRT ; tz.x tz.y x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.y tz.x+x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.x+x tz.y+y INCL_OPER ASinh, Log ; l.x l.y END_OPER ASinh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ACosh ; ArcCosh fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y GEN_SQR0 ; tz1.x tz1.y x y fsub __1_ ; tz1.x+1 tz1.y x y GEN_SQRT ; tz.x tz.y x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.y tz.x+x y faddp st(2),st ; tz.x+x tz.y+y INCL_OPER ACosh, Log ; l.x l.y END_OPER ACosh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ATanh ; ArcTanh fld st(1) ; y x y fchs ; -y x y fld st(1) ; x -y x y fld1 ; 1 x -y x y fadd st(3),st ; 1 x -y 1+x y fsubr ; 1-x -y 1+x y INCL_OPER ATanh, Div ; d.x d.y ; From FPU387.ASM ftst fstsw ax sahf jnz short ATanh_NotBothZero fxch ; y x ftst fstsw ax sahf fxch ; x y jnz short ATanh_NotBothZero POP_STK 2 ; clear two numbers fldz fldz jmp SHORT End_Log_ATanh ; return (0,0) PARSALIGN ATanh_NotBothZero: fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y fpatan ; z.y x y fxch st(2) ; y x z.y fmul st,st(0) ; yy x z.y fxch ; x yy z.y fmul st,st(0) ; xx yy z.y fadd ; mod z.y fldln2 ; ln2, mod, z.y fmul _PointFive ; ln2/2, mod, z.y fxch ; mod, ln2/2, z.y fyl2x ; z.x, z.y End_Log_ATanh: fld _PointFive ; .5 l.x l.y fmul st(1),st ; .5 l.x/2 l.y fmulp st(2),st ; l.x/2 l.y/2 END_OPER ATanh ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER ATan ; ArcTan fxch ; y x fld st(1) ; x y x fchs ; -x y x fxch st(2) ; x y -x fld st(1) ; y x y -x fld1 ; 1 y x y -x fadd st(3),st ; 1 y x 1+y -x fsubr ; 1-y x 1+y -x INCL_OPER ATan, Div ; d.x d.y ; CAE put log fn inline 15Feb95 ftst fstsw ax sahf jnz short ATan_NotBothZero fxch ; y x ftst fstsw ax sahf fxch ; x y jnz short ATan_NotBothZero POP_STK 2 ; clear two numbers fldz fldz jmp short End_Log_ATan ; return (0,0) PARSALIGN ATan_NotBothZero: fld st(1) ; y x y fld st(1) ; x y x y fpatan ; z.y x y fxch st(2) ; y x z.y fmul st,st(0) ; yy x z.y fxch ; x yy z.y fmul st,st(0) ; xx yy z.y fadd ; mod z.y fldln2 ; ln2, mod, z.y fmul _PointFive ; ln2/2, mod, z.y fxch ; mod, ln2/2, z.y fyl2x ; z.x, z.y End_Log_ATan: fld _PointFive ; .5 l.x l.y fmul st(1),st ; .5 z.y=l.x/2 l.y fmulp st(2),st ; z.y l.y/2 fxch ; l.y/2 z.y fchs ; z.x=-l.y/2 z.y END_OPER ATan ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER CAbs ; Complex Absolute Value fmul st,st ; x*x y fxch ; y x*x fmul st,st ; y*y x*x fadd ; y*y+x*x fsqrt ; mag=sqrt(yy+xx) fldz ; 0 mag fxch ; mag 0 END_OPER CAbs ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of new functions. CAE 15Feb95 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Floor ; Complex floor fstcw _Arg2 ; use arg2 to hold CW fwait mov ax,_Arg2 ; Now do some integer instr.'s push ax ; Save control word on stack and ax,1111001111111111b or ax,0000010000000000b mov _Arg2,ax fldcw _Arg2 ; Now set control to round toward -inf ; Chop toward negative infinity applies now frndint ; floor(x) y fxch ; y floor(x) frndint ; floor(y) floor(x) fxch ; floor(x) floor(y) pop ax ; restore old CW to AX mov _Arg2,ax ; ...then move it to Arg2 fldcw _Arg2 ; Restore control word from Arg2 ; Normal rounding is in effect again END_OPER Floor ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Ceil ; Complex ceiling fstcw _Arg2 ; use arg2 to hold CW fwait mov ax,_Arg2 ; Now do some integer instr.'s push ax ; Save control word on stack and ax,1111001111111111b or ax,0000100000000000b mov _Arg2,ax fldcw _Arg2 ; Now set control to round toward +inf ; Chop toward positive infinity applies now frndint ; ceil(x) y fxch ; y ceil(x) frndint ; ceil(y) ceil(x) fxch ; ceil(x) ceil(y) pop ax ; restore old CW to AX mov _Arg2,ax ; ...then move it to Arg2 fldcw _Arg2 ; Restore control word from Arg2 ; Normal rounding is in effect again END_OPER Ceil ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Trunc ; Complex truncation fstcw _Arg2 ; use arg2 to hold CW fwait mov ax,_Arg2 ; Now do some integer instr.'s push ax ; Save control word on stack or ax,0000110000000000b mov _Arg2,ax fldcw _Arg2 ; Now set control to round toward zero ; Chop toward zero rounding applies now frndint ; trunc(x) y fxch ; y trunc(x) frndint ; trunc(y) trunc(x) fxch ; trunc(x) trunc(y) pop ax ; restore old CW to AX mov _Arg2,ax ; ...then move it to Arg2 fldcw _Arg2 ; Restore control word from Arg2 ; Normal rounding is in effect again END_OPER Trunc ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER Round ; Complex round to nearest fstcw _Arg2 ; use arg2 to hold CW fwait mov ax,_Arg2 ; Now do some integer instr.'s push ax ; Save control word on stack and ax,1111001111111111b or ax,0000010000000000b mov _Arg2,ax fldcw _Arg2 ; Now set control to round toward -inf ; Round toward negative infinity applies now fadd _PointFive ; x+.5 y frndint ; round(x) y fxch ; y round(x) fadd _PointFive ; y+.5 round(x) frndint ; round(y) round(x) fxch ; round(x) round(y) pop ax ; restore old CW to AX mov _Arg2,ax ; ...then move it to Arg2 fldcw _Arg2 ; Restore control word from Arg2 ; Normal rounding is in effect again END_OPER Round ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of new functions. TIW 30Jun96 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL Jump ; mov ax,JCSZ ; ax = sizeof(jump control struct) imul _jump_index ; address of jump_control[jump_index] push es les bx, _jump_control add bx,ax mov ax,WORD PTR es:[bx+8]; jump_index = DestJumpIndex mov bx,WORD PTR es:[bx+2]; bx = JumpOpPtr pop es mov _jump_index,ax add bx, WORD PTR _pfls ; END_INCL Jump ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER JumpOnTrue ; ftst ; test Arg1.x fstsw ax sahf jz short NotTrue ; if(Arg1.x != 0) INCL_OPER JumpOnTrue, Jump ; call Jump jmp short EndJumpOnTrue NotTrue: add _jump_index, 1 ; else jump_index++ EndJumpOnTrue: END_OPER JumpOnTrue ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER JumpOnFalse ; ftst ; test Arg1.x fstsw ax sahf jnz short True ; if(Arg1.x == 0) INCL_OPER JumpOnFalse, Jump jmp short EndJumpOnFalse True: add _jump_index, 1 ; else jump_index++ EndJumpOnFalse: END_OPER JumpOnFalse ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER JumpLabel ; add _jump_index, 1 ; jump_index++ END_OPER JumpLabel ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of new functions. TIW 09Mar97 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LT ; < ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x < Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; y.y, x.x, x.y, comp arg1 to arg2 fstsw ax POP_STK 3 sahf fldz ; 0 (Arg2->d.y = 0.0;) jbe short LTfalse ; jump if arg1 <= arg2 fld1 ; 1 0 (return arg2 < arg1) EXIT_OPER LT LTfalse: fldz ; 0 0 END_OPER LT ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL LT2 ; LT, set AX, clear FPU ; returns !(Arg2->d.x < Arg1->d.x) in ax fcom st(2) ; compare arg1, arg2 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit sahf setbe al ; return (Arg1 <= Arg2) in AX xor ah,ah END_INCL LT2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLT ; load, LT ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 < arg1 FIXUP LodLT, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... sahf fldz ; 0 ... jae short LodLTfalse ; jump when arg2 >= arg1 fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER LodLT LodLTfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodLT ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLT2 ; Lod, LT, set AX, clear FPU ; returns !(Arg2->d.x < Arg1->d.x) in ax FIXUP LodLT2, fcom, X ; compare arg2, arg1 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit ; clear fpu sahf setae al ; set al when arg2 >= arg1 xor ah,ah ; clear ah END_OPER LodLT2 ; ret 0 in ax for true, 1 for false ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLTMul ; Lod, LT, Multiply (needs 4 on stack) ; for ' * ( < )' ; return number on stack if arg2 < arg1 FIXUP LodLTMul, fcomp, X ; comp Arg2 to Arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; save status POP_STK 1 ; clear 1 from stack sahf jae short LodLTMulfalse ; jump if arg2 >= arg1 EXIT_OPER LodLTMul ; return value on st PARSALIGN LodLTMulfalse: POP_STK 2 ; return (0,0) fldz fldz END_OPER LodLTMul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL GT ; > ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x > Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; compare arg1, arg2 fstsw ax POP_STK 3 sahf fldz ; 0 (Arg2->d.y = 0.0;) jae short GTfalse ; jump if Arg1 >= Arg2 fld1 ; 1 0, return arg2 > arg1 EXIT_OPER GT GTfalse: fldz ; 0 0 END_INCL GT ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL GT2 ; GT, set AX, clear FPU ; returns !(Arg2->d.x > Arg1->d.x) in ax fcom st(2) ; compare arg1, arg2 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit sahf setae al ; return (Arg1 >= Arg2) in AX xor ah,ah END_INCL GT2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodGT ; load, GT ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 > arg1 FIXUP LodGT, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... sahf fldz ; 0 ... jbe short LodGTfalse ; jump when arg2 <= arg1 fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER LodGT LodGTfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodGT ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodGT2 ; Lod, GT, set AX, clear FPU ; returns !(Arg2->d.x > Arg1->d.x) in AX FIXUP LodGT2, fcom, X ; compare arg2, arg1 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit ; clear fpu sahf setbe al ; set al when arg2 <= arg1 xor ah,ah ; clear ah END_OPER LodGT2 ; ret 0 in ax for true, 1 for false ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL LTE ; <= ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x <= Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; y x y, comp Arg1 to Arg2 fstsw ax ; save status now POP_STK 3 fldz ; 0 (Arg2->d.y = 0.0;) sahf jb short LTEfalse ; jump if arg1 > arg2 fld1 ; 1 0, ret arg2 <= arg1 EXIT_OPER LTE LTEfalse: fldz ; 0 0 END_INCL LTE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL LTE2 ; LTE, test ST, clear ; return !(Arg2->d.x <= Arg1->d.x) in AX fcom st(2) ; comp Arg1 to Arg2 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit ; clear stack and ah,1 ; mask cf shr ax,8 ; ax=1 when arg1 < arg1 END_INCL LTE2 ; return (Arg1 < Arg2), ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLTE ; load, LTE ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 <= arg1 FIXUP LodLTE, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... sahf fldz ; 0 ... ja short LodLTEfalse ; jump when arg2 > arg1 fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER LodLTE LodLTEfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodLTE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLTE2 ; Load, LTE, test ST, clear ; return !(Arg2->d.x <= Arg1->d.x) in AX FIXUP LodLTE2, fcom, X ; comp Arg2 to Arg1 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit sahf seta al xor ah,ah ; ax=1 for expr. false END_OPER LodLTE2 ; return (Arg2 > Arg1) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLTEMul ; Lod, LTE, Multiply (needs 4 on stk) ; for ' * ( <= )' ; return number on stack if arg2 <= arg1 FIXUP LodLTEMul, fcomp, X ; comp Arg2 to Arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; save status POP_STK 1 ; clear 1 from stack sahf ja short LodLTEMulfalse ; jump if arg2 > arg1 EXIT_OPER LodLTEMul ; return value on st PARSALIGN LodLTEMulfalse: POP_STK 2 ; return (0,0) fldz fldz END_OPER LodLTEMul ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodLTEAnd2 ; Load, LTE, AND, test ST, clear ; this is for 'expression && (expression <= value)' ; stack has {arg2.x arg2.y logical.x junk} on entry (arg1 in memory) ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x <= Arg1->d.x); FIXUP LodLTEAnd2, fcom, X ; comp Arg2 to Arg1 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack sahf fxch st(2) ; logical.x arg2.y arg2.x junk ... ja LTEA2RFalse ; right side is false, Arg2 > Arg1 ftst ; now see if left side of expr is true fstsw ax sahf fninit ; clear fpu jz LTEA2LFalse ; jump if left side of && is false xor ax,ax ; return zero in ax for expr true ret ; changed EXIT_OPER->ret CAE 30DEC93 LTEA2RFalse: fninit LTEA2LFalse: mov ax,1 ; return ax=1 for condition false END_OPER LodLTEAnd2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL GTE ; >= ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x >= Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; y x y (compare arg1,arg2) fstsw ax POP_STK 3 ; clear 3 from stk sahf fldz ; 0 (Arg2->d.y = 0.0;) ja short GTEfalse ; jmp if arg1 > arg2 fld1 ; 1 0 (return arg2 >= arg1 on stack) EXIT_OPER GTE GTEfalse: fldz ; 0 0 END_INCL GTE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodGTE ; load, GTE ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 >= arg1 FIXUP LodGTE, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... sahf jb short LodGTEfalse ; jump when arg2 < arg1 fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER LodGTE LodGTEfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodGTE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodGTE2 ; Lod, GTE, set AX, clear FPU ; return !(Arg2->d.x >= Arg1->d.x) in AX FIXUP LodGTE2, fcom, X ; compare arg2, arg1 fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack fninit ; clear fpu and ah,1 ; mask cf shr ax,8 ; shift it (AX = 1 when arg2 < arg1) END_OPER LodGTE2 ; ret 0 in ax for true, 1 for false ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL EQ ; == ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x == Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; compare arg1, arg2 fstsw ax POP_STK 3 sahf fldz ; 0 (Arg2->d.y = 0.0;) jne short EQfalse ; jmp if arg1 != arg2 fld1 ; 1 0 (ret arg2 == arg1) EXIT_OPER EQ EQfalse: fldz END_INCL EQ ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodEQ ; load, EQ ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 == arg1 FIXUP LodEQ, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... sahf jne short LodEQfalse ; jump when arg2 != arg1 fld1 ; 1 0 ... (return arg2 == arg1) EXIT_OPER LodEQ LodEQfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodEQ ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL NE ; != ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x != Arg1->d.x); fcomp st(2) ; compare arg1,arg2 fstsw ax POP_STK 3 sahf fldz je short NEfalse ; jmp if arg1 == arg2 fld1 ; ret arg2 != arg1 EXIT_OPER NE NEfalse: fldz END_INCL NE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_OPER LodNE ; load, NE ; return (1,0) on stack if arg2 != arg1 FIXUP LodNE, fcomp, X ; compare arg2 to arg1, pop st fstsw ax ; y ... POP_STK 1 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... sahf je short LodNEfalse ; jump when arg2 == arg1 ; CAE changed above 'jne' to 'je' 9 MAR 1993 fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER LodNE LodNEfalse: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_OPER LodNE ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL OR ; Or ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x || Arg1->d.x); ftst ; a1.x a1.y a2.x a2.y ... fstsw ax sahf POP_STK 2 ; a2.x a2.y ... jnz short Arg1True ftst fstsw ax sahf POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... jz short NoneTrue fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER OR PARSALIGN Arg1True: POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER OR NoneTrue: ; 0 ... fldz ; 0 0 ... END_INCL OR ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL AND ; And ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x && Arg1->d.x); ftst ; a1.x a1.y a2.x a2.y ... fstsw ax sahf POP_STK 2 ; a2.x a2.y ... jz short Arg1False ftst fstsw ax sahf POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... jz short Arg2False fld1 ; 1 0 ... EXIT_OPER AND PARSALIGN Arg1False: POP_STK 2 ; ... fldz ; 0 ... Arg2False: fldz ; 0 0 ... END_INCL AND ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL ANDClr2 ; And, test ST, clear FPU ; for bailouts using && ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x && Arg1->d.x); ; Returns !(Arg1 && Arg2) in ax ftst ; y.x y.y x.x x.y fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack sahf jz short Arg1False2 fxch st(2) ; x.x y.y y.x x.y ftst fstsw ax sahf fninit jz short Arg2False2 BothTrue2: xor ax,ax ret ; changed EXIT_OPER->ret CAE 30DEC93 Arg1False2: fninit Arg2False2: mov ax,1 END_INCL ANDClr2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGN_INCL ORClr2 ; Or, test ST, clear FPU CAE 6NOV93 ; for bailouts using || ; Arg2->d.x = (double)(Arg2->d.x || Arg1->d.x); ; Returns !(Arg1 || Arg2) in ax ftst ; y.x y.y x.x x.y fstsw ax ; CAE 1 Dec 1998 ALTER_RET_ADDR ; change return address on stack sahf jnz short ORArg1True fxch st(2) ; x.x y.y y.x x.y ftst fstsw ax sahf fninit jnz short ORArg2True ORNeitherTrue: mov ax,1 ret ; changed EXIT_OPER->ret CAE 30DEC93 ORArg1True: fninit ORArg2True: xor ax,ax END_INCL ORClr2 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifndef COMPILER ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; called once per image ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _Img_Setup align 2 ; Changed to FAR, FRAME/UNFRAME added by CAE 09OCT93 _Img_Setup proc far FRAME les si,_pfls ; es:si = &pfls[0] mov di,_LastOp ; load index of lastop dec di ; flastop now points at last operator ; above added by CAE 09OCT93 because of loop logic changes shl di,2 ; convert to offset mov bx,offset DGROUP:_fLastOp ; set bx for store add di,si ; di = offset lastop mov WORD PTR [bx],di ; save value of flastop mov ax,es ; es has segment value mov WORD PTR [bx+2],ax ; save seg for easy reload mov ax,word ptr _v ; build a ptr to Z add ax,3*CARG+CPFX mov _PtrToZ,ax ; and save it UNFRAME ret _Img_Setup endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hybrid orbitcalc/per-pixel routine (tested, but not implemented.) ; ; To implement, stick the following code in calcfrac.c around line 788, ; just before the line that says "while (++coloriter < maxit)". ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; if (curfractalspecific->orbitcalc == fFormula /* 387 parser */ ; && periodicitycheck == 0 ; && !show_orbit ; && inside >= -5 ; && attractors == 0 ; && !distest ){ ; fFormulaX(); /* orbit till done */ ; } else ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fFormulaX ; CAE 09OCT93 align 16 _fFormulaX proc far push si push di mov ax,WORD PTR _InitJumpIndex mov WORD PTR _jump_index,ax mov edx,_maxit ; edx holds coloriter during loop mov _coloriter,edx ; set coloriter to maxit mov ax,ds ; save ds in ax lds cx,_fLastOp ; ds:cx -> one past last token mov es,ax ; es -> DGROUP assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing ; swap es, ds before any fn. calls jmp short skipfirst ; skip bailout test first time align 16 outer_loop: or ax,ax ; did bailout occur? jnz short doneloop ; yes, exit skipfirst: dec edx ; ++coloriter jle short doneloop ; yes, exit because of maxiter mov bx,_InitOpPtr ; bx -> one before first token mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; reset stk overflow ptr align 16 inner_loop2: cmp bx,cx ; time to quit yet? jae short outer_loop ; yes, bx points to last function add bx,4 ; point to next pointer pair push offset PARSERA_TEXT:inner_loop2 ; do this first mov si,WORD PTR [bx+2] ; set si to operand pointer jmp WORD PTR [bx] ; jmp to operator fn align 16 doneloop: ; NOTE: edx must be preserved here. mov si,_PtrToZ ; ds:si -> z mov di,offset DGROUP:_new ; es:di -> new mov cx,4 rep movsd ; new = z mov ax,es pop di pop si mov ds,ax ; restore ds before return assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing sub _coloriter,edx ; now put new coloriter back from edx ret _fFormulaX endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; orbitcalc function follows ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fFormula align 16 _fFormula proc far push di ; don't build a frame here mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; reset this for stk overflow area mov bx,_InitOpPtr ; bx -> one before first token mov ax,WORD PTR _InitJumpIndex mov WORD PTR _jump_index,ax mov ax,ds ; save ds in ax lds cx,_fLastOp ; ds:cx -> last token mov es,ax ; es -> DGROUP assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing push si ;;;;align 8 inner_loop: ; new loop CAE 1 Dec 1998 mov si,WORD PTR [bx+2] call WORD PTR [bx] ; mov si,WORD PTR [bx+6] ; now set si to operand pointer ; call WORD PTR [bx+4] ; ...and jump to operator fn ; add bx,8 ; JCO removed loop unroll, 12/5/99 add bx,4 jmp short inner_loop ;;;;align 8 past_loop: ; NOTE: AX was set by the last operator fn called. mov si,_PtrToZ ; ds:si -> z mov di,offset DGROUP:_new ; es:di -> new mov cx,4 ; get ready to move 4 dwords rep movsd ; new = z mov bx,es ; put seg dgroup in bx pop si pop di ; restore si, di mov ds,bx ; restore ds from bx before return assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing ret ; return AX unmodified _fFormula endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fform_per_pixel ; called once per pixel align 4 _fform_per_pixel proc far FRAME ; if((row+col)&1) mov ax,_row ; ax = row add ax,_col ; ax = row+col and ax,1 ; ax = (row+col)&1 les bx,_v ; load pointer to constants cmp ax,0 ; zero? je checker_is_0 ; v[9].a.d.x = 1.0; ; not zero, set whitesq.x=1.0 fld1 ; constant 1.0 to ST fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+WHITESQ] ; copy ST to whitesq.x jmp checker_is_1 checker_is_0: ; is zero, set whitesq to (0,0) ; v[9].a.d.y = 0.0; fldz ; load constant zero to ST fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+WHITESQ] ; copy ST to whitesq.x checker_is_1: fldz fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+WHITESQ+8] ; v[10].a.d.x = (double)col; fild _col ; ST = col fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+SCRNPIX] ; scrnpix.x = col ; v[10].a.d.y = (double)row; fild _row ; ST = row fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+SCRNPIX+8] ; scrnpix.y = row mov _jump_index,0 ;jump_index = 0 cmp _invert,0 ; inversion support added je skip_invert ; CAE 08FEB95 mov si,offset DGROUP:_old push si call far ptr _invertz2 add sp,2 ; now copy old to v[0].a.d les di,_v ; ds:si already points to old add di,CPFX ; make es:di point to v[0].a.d mov cx,4 rep movsd jmp after_load skip_invert: cmp _use_grid,0 ; inversion support added je skip_grid ; v[0].a.d.x = dx0[col]+dShiftx; mov ax,_col shl ax,3 les bx,_dx0 add bx,ax fld QWORD PTR es:[bx] mov ax,_row shl ax,3 les bx,_dx1 add bx,ax fadd QWORD PTR es:[bx] les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX] ; v[0].a.d.y = dy0[row]+dShifty; mov ax,_row shl ax,3 les bx,_dy0 add bx,ax fld QWORD PTR es:[bx] mov ax,_col shl ax,3 les bx,_dy1 add bx,ax fadd QWORD PTR es:[bx] les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX+8] jmp after_load skip_grid: ; v[0].a.d.x = (double)(xxmin + col*delxx + row*delxx2); fild WORD PTR _row fld TBYTE PTR _delxx2 fmulp st(1),st(0) fild WORD PTR _col fld TBYTE PTR _delxx fmulp st(1),st(0) faddp st(1),st(0) fadd QWORD PTR _xxmin les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX] fwait ; v[0].a.d.y = (double)(yymax - row*delyy - col*delyy2); */ fild WORD PTR _row fld TBYTE PTR _delyy fmulp st(1),st(0) fsubr QWORD PTR _yymax fild WORD PTR _col fld TBYTE PTR _delyy2 fmulp st(1),st(0) fsubp st(1),st(0) les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX+8] after_load: mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; di points to stack overflow area mov ax,ds mov bx,WORD PTR _pfls ; bx -> pfls lds cx,_fLastOp ; cx = offset &f[LastOp],load ds mov es,ax assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing cmp _LastInitOp,0 je short skip_initloop ; no operators to do here mov _LastInitOp,cx ; lastinitop=lastop jmp short pixel_loop align 16 pixel_loop: mov si,WORD PTR [bx+2] ; get address of load or store call WORD PTR [bx] ; (*opptr)() add bx,4 ; ++opptr cmp bx,_LastInitOp jb short pixel_loop skip_initloop: mov si,_PtrToZ ; ds:si -> z mov di,offset DGROUP:_old ; es:di -> old mov cx,4 ; get ready to move 4 dwords rep movsd ; old = z mov ax,es mov ds,ax assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing ; for the rest of the program ; ; ; subtract removed CAE 1 Dec 1998 mov _InitOpPtr, bx ; InitOptPtr = OpPtr; UNFRAME xor ax,ax ret _fform_per_pixel endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- else ; Compiler ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; . . . and now for the real fun! ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _Img_Setup align 2 _Img_Setup proc far mov ax,word ptr _v ; build a ptr to Z add ax,3*CARG+CPFX mov _PtrToZ,ax ; and save it ret _Img_Setup endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hybrid orbitcalc/per-pixel routine. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fFormulaX align 16 _fFormulaX proc far push si push di mov edx,_maxit ; edx holds coloriter during loop mov _coloriter,edx ; set coloriter to maxit mov ax,ds ; save ds in ax mov cx,word ptr _pfls+2 ; just get the seg part mov es,ax ; es -> DGROUP mov ds,cx ; ds -> parser data assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing jmp short skipfirst ; skip bailout test first time align 16 outer_loop: or ax,ax ; did bailout occur? jnz short doneloop ; yes, exit skipfirst: dec edx ; ++coloriter, was maxiter reached? jle short doneloop ; yes, exit because of maxiter push offset PARSERA_TEXT:outer_loop mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; reset this for stk overflow area jmp _compiled_fn_2 ; call the compiled code doneloop: ; NOTE: edx must be preserved here. mov si,_PtrToZ ; ds:si -> z mov di,offset DGROUP:_new ; es:di -> new mov cx,4 rep movsd ; new = z mov ax,es pop di pop si mov ds,ax ; restore ds before return assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing sub _coloriter,edx ; now put new coloriter back from edx ret _fFormulaX endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; orbitcalc function follows ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fFormula align 16 _fFormula proc far push di ; don't build a frame here mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; reset this for stk overflow area mov ax,ds ; save ds in ax mov cx,WORD PTR _pfls+2 ; just load seg value mov es,ax ; es -> DGROUP mov ds,cx ; ds -> parser data assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing push si ; compiled_fn modifies si call _compiled_fn_2 ; call the compiled code ; NOTE: AX was set by the compiled code and must be preserved here. mov si,_PtrToZ ; ds:si -> z mov di,offset DGROUP:_new ; es:di -> new mov cx,4 ; get ready to move 4 dwords rep movsd ; new = z mov bx,es ; put seg dgroup in bx pop si pop di ; restore si, di mov ds,bx ; restore ds from bx before return assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing ret ; return AX unmodified _fFormula endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public _fform_per_pixel ; called once per pixel align 4 _fform_per_pixel proc far FRAME cmp _invert,0 ; inversion support added je skip_invert ; CAE 08FEB95 mov si,offset DGROUP:_old push si call far ptr _invertz2 add sp,2 ; now copy old to v[0].a.d les di,_v ; ds:si already points to old add di,CPFX ; make es:di point to v[0].a.d mov cx,4 rep movsd jmp after_load skip_invert: cmp _use_grid,0 ; inversion support added je skip_grid ; v[0].a.d.x = dx0[col]+dShiftx; mov ax,_col shl ax,3 les bx,_dx0 add bx,ax fld QWORD PTR es:[bx] mov ax,_row shl ax,3 les bx,_dx1 add bx,ax fadd QWORD PTR es:[bx] les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX] ; v[0].a.d.y = dy0[row]+dShifty; mov ax,_row shl ax,3 les bx,_dy0 add bx,ax fld QWORD PTR es:[bx] mov ax,_col shl ax,3 les bx,_dy1 add bx,ax fadd QWORD PTR es:[bx] les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX+8] jmp after_load skip_grid: ; v[0].a.d.x = (double)(xxmin + col*delxx + row*delxx2); fild WORD PTR _row fld TBYTE PTR _delxx2 fmulp st(1),st(0) fild WORD PTR _col fld TBYTE PTR _delxx fmulp st(1),st(0) faddp st(1),st(0) fadd QWORD PTR _xxmin les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX] fwait ; v[0].a.d.y = (double)(yymax - row*delyy - col*delyy2); */ fild WORD PTR _row fld TBYTE PTR _delyy fmulp st(1),st(0) fsubr QWORD PTR _yymax fild WORD PTR _col fld TBYTE PTR _delyy2 fmulp st(1),st(0) fsubp st(1),st(0) les bx,_v fstp QWORD PTR es:[bx+CPFX+8] after_load: mov di,offset DGROUP:_s ; di points to stack overflow area mov ax,ds mov cx,word ptr _pfls+2 ; just to load ds mov es,ax ; es -> DGROUP mov ds,cx ; ds -> parser data assume es:DGROUP, ds:nothing call _compiled_fn_1 ; call compiled code mov ax,es mov ds,ax assume ds:DGROUP, es:nothing ; for the rest of the program UNFRAME xor ax,ax ret _fform_per_pixel endp align 16 public _compiled_fn_1 _compiled_fn_1 proc near retn ; compiled code will be put here db 1023 DUP (?) _compiled_fn_1 endp align 16 public _compiled_fn_2 _compiled_fn_2 proc near retn ; ...and here db 1023 DUP (?) _compiled_fn_2 endp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- endif ; COMPILER ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARSERA_TEXT ends end