Tip: In VS.NET 2003/2005, select the FractIntSetup project in the Solution explorer. Then select Project / Unload Project to unload the setup project. It isn't built in the Debug configuration, but processing the project itself is slow, so keep it unloaded until you need to build a setup. Project Structure common Files common to all implementations 3d Files containing 3D drawing support. Eventually these should be subsumed into the driver interface, with this sofwtare implementation as a fallback if the driver doesn't support 3D rendering. engine Files containing the implementation of the fractal rendering engines that are shared between multiple fractal types. Also contains the big array that defines the available fractal types. fractal specific Files containing rendering code or user interaction code that is specific to a particular fractal, such as the Lorenz fractal or L-system type. i/o Anything related to doing external file I/O: saving and loading GIF files, dealing with overlay files, saving parameter files, etc. math Files containing math routines for arbitrary precision arithmetic, complex arithmetic, etc. plumbing Miscellaneous routines that don't fit elesewhere like memory and driver management. ui Anything to do with displaying menu screens, help screens, intro screen, etc. data All the data files that go along with a complete fractint installation but aren't needed for compiling. These are kept here for reference and so that they can be edited directly from VS.NET. drivers Files specific to each driver. Generally these are named d_XXX.c, but if you have a lot of files in your driver implementation, add a folder here called d_XXX and put all your driver files in that folder, both on disk and in the project. headers Header files help Help source files with a custom build step on help.src to run the help compiler on the source to generate new FRACTINT.HLP and HELPDEFS.H files. main Miscellaneous files in the main fractint source folder. These are not currently used for any of the compilation of the code and are placed here just for reference. win32 Files needed for the Win32 platform. TODO: - Windows printing - GDI based driver - DirectX based driver - Get key reading semantics right 2006. Basic plotting through dotwrite working. 2006. vidtbl vs. g_video_table confusion resolved. Eliminate one use of extraseg for vidtbl. 2006. Basic disk video messages displaying. 2006. Disk video status screen corrected. Memory error in disk cache corrected. TAB display showing properly. Add driver name and description to TAB screen. Deprecate fracting.cfg for video modes. 2006. Fix bug with video table when you select a video mode the 2nd time around. Fix space toggle bug on intro screen, but still too many keyboard routines; need to narrow it down to just the two driver routines and not all these inner layers. 2007. Fix expand_dirname problem. 2007. Key input working reliably and consistently now! Whew! Ctrl+TAB bug fixed. F10 and other "system key down" events reported. 2007. It renders! 2007. Fix file/directory browsing bugs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FRACTINT: Fractint 20.4 complete C and ASM source for the DOS-based fractal generator. Requires Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 or later or Borland C/C++ 3.1 or later. Object code of ASM modules supplied so an assembler is not required. Note that the Borland project files are in the extra directory and have not been updated to use the new source tree structure. Copyrighted freeware. XFRACTINT: Download the source tarball (for example: xfract20.3.02.tar.gz), put it in your home directory, and untar it with the command: tar -xzf xfract20.3.02.tar.gz This will create the directory xfractint-20.03p02 containing the source. You might want to change the directory name to xfractint for convenience. You will need to have gcc, ncurses, and ncurse-develop installed.  You also need the XFree86-libs package installed for the X11 libraries.  This package should already be installed, but if it isn't and your distribution doesn't have it, then you need the XFree86-devel package. The Makefile is set up for my convenience, so if you want to put files in different directories, you will need to change the SRCDIR setting.   Otherwise, just run make from the source directory and it should compile.   Run ./xfractint to start it up. Jonathan =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition ------------------------------- Here are instructions for building FractInt for Windows using the free Microsoft C++ express edition compiler. 1. Download source code and tools 2. Install source code and tools 3. Configure tools 4. Compile source 5. Write tests for new feature 6. Implement new feature until tests pass 7. goto 5 until done :-) 1. Download: To make changes to FractInt, you'll want to download the source code, and some development tools. If you're reading this, its because you already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, or its because you don't have development tools and you need some free ones. FractInt for Windows: Download the FractInt for Windows source. If you're reading this file, chances are you're reading it from a source distribution, so you already have the source code. If not, go get it at . Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition: Download "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition" from Microsoft's web site. Google for the above quoted phrase, or drill down from . Platform SDK: Visual C++ is just an ISO C++ compiler; it does not include headers or libraries for the Win32 API. Those headers and libraries are in the Platform SDK, which you can download for free from Microsoft. The "Platform SDK", sometimes called the "Windows SDK", and sometimes called other things depending on what Microsoft decides. In reality it is an evolving SDK that contains documentation, headers and libraries for the latest-and-greatest version of the Win32 API. The Win32 API tends to be updated with operating system releases and often includes the operating system name in the title. It might read "Windows Platform SDK Windows Server SP2 (Jun 2006)", which is telling you which OS features are enabled on that SDK and the date it was released. You generally want the latest SDK since you're using the 2005 version of C++. 2. Installation a) Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition b) Install the Platform SDK and make note of the install location c) Install the FractInt source and make note of the install location 3. Configuration a) Launch Visual C++ b) Register it (for free), to get rid of the eventual nag boxes c) Configure Visual C++ directories: Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition didn't ship with the Platform SDK, so it doesn't know where to find the headers and libraries. Select Tools / Options... and browse to the Projects and Solutions / VC++ Directories category. On the right, select the "Include files" item in the combo box, click the new directory icon and browse to the include files where you installed the Platform SDK. Change the combo box to "Library files" and do the same for the library folder in the Platform SDK. Change any other settings in the dialog to suit your tastes and click OK to save the changes. 4. Compilation Launch Visual C++ and select File / Open / Project/Solution... and browse to the fractint.sln solution file where you installed the FractInt for Windows source code. The code should compile with no warnings or errors. If you got any errors, particularly on files in the Win32 folder, then check your Platform SDK include and link directory settings. 5. Write tests for new feature When you're ready to add new features to FractInt for Windows, please consider a test-driven development methodology and write the tests for the changes you're about to make before you make the changes. I know that sounds silly, but its really what you do :-). For more information read any of these books: "Test-Driven Development", Kent Beck ISBN-10: 0321146530 "Working Effectively with Legacy Code", Michael Feathers ISBN-10: 0131177052 "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", Martin Fowler ISBN-10: 0201485672 6. Implement feature until tests pass See, you wrote the test first so that it would tell you when your feature was done! Once your tests pass, you'll know when you've done everything you wanted to do. 7. Goto 5 until no more features :-) 8. Submit changes back to the FractInt development team and enjoy your new-found fame.